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(Lange termijn) effecten van behandeling

Review: Correlates of post‐traumatic growth following childhood and adolescent cancer: A systematic review and meta‐analysis (2018)


A growing number of children and adolescents are experiencing and surviving cancer. This review aims to identify the demographic, medical, and psychosocial correlates of perceived post‐traumatic growth in individuals of any age who were affected by paediatric cancer. Findings will highlight protective factors that may facilitate post‐traumatic growth, allowing for directed social support, intervention, and follow‐up care.


Artikel: Psychophysical well‐being profiles in patients before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (2018)

Objectives: The literature offers very few in‐depth reports on the time directly before hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Also, researchers have focused on selected aspects of psychophysical well‐being and treated the sample as homogeneous.

Artikel: Costs of an ostomy self‐management training program for cancer survivors (2018)

Objective: To measure incremental expenses to an oncologic surgical practice for delivering a community‐based, ostomy nurse–led, small‐group, behavior skills–training intervention to help bladder and colorectal cancer survivors understand and adjust to their ostomies and improve their health‐related quality of life, as well as assist family caregivers to understand survivors' needs and provide appropriate supportive care.


Artikel: Physical activity and exercise self-regulation in cancer survivors: A qualitative study (2018)


Despite the benefits of physical activity, many cancer survivors do not adhere to clinically recommended levels. This qualitative study investigated factors of self-regulation contributing to survivor physical activity patterns.


Participants attended focus groups with prompts on exercise habits and self-regulation on the basis of social cognitive theory, self-determination theory, and self-regulation theory. Content analysis with a priori codes was conducted to identify emergent themes.

Boek (2018): Angst na Kanker- wat als je bang bent opnieuw ziek te worden

Angst voor terugkeer van kanker is een begrijpelijke en normale angst. De onzekerheid blijft vaak lang bestaan. Soms is de angst echter zo erg, dat deze het dagelijks leven steeds meer gaat beheersen. HDI psycholoog Coen Völker  en Jan Verhulst maken in het recent verschenen boek Angst na Kanker – wat als je bang bent opnieuw ziek te worden (2018) die angst bespreekbaar.

Jaarindex psychosociale oncologie 2017

De tweede uitgave van de jaarindex door het CHi is opnieuw een indrukwekkende weerspiegeling van het psychosociaal oncologisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Brussel. Het bevestigt het hoge en kwaliteitsvolle wetenschappelijk niveau van iedereen die hieraan heeft bijgedragen. De jaarindex hoopt hierdoor ook inspirerend te werken.

Posterpresentaties CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker'

Hier kunt u de posters bekijken die werden gepresenteerd op het CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker' op 11 december 2017.

Deze onderzoeken zijn ook terug te vinden in de Jaarindex 2017.

Artikel: Cancer survivors' activation to self-management and its relationship with participation in paid work and work-related problems (2017)

Objective: This study aimed to explore cancer survivors' level of patient activation, ie, their knowledge, skills, and confidence for self-management, and to examine its relations to their participation in paid work and work-related problems.




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