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Hulpverlener in de oncologie (zelfzorg ea)

Mindfulness bij burn out en stress (boek voor hulpverleners)

Je vindt er een aantal updates in het 8 weken curriculum, zoals de SNOB ( SMART) ademruimte, de communicatiedriehoek, de ademruimte met zelfcompassie en nog veel meer. 
De uitgebreide inleiding bespreekt o.a. veiligheid, groepsprocessen, intake, inquiry, indicaties en contra-indicaties. In het laatste hoofdstuk wordt verder ingegaan op de onderliggende psychologie, burn-out, therapie en depressie. 

Het boek kreeg een aanbeveling  van Prof. Dr. Kees van Heeringen ( universiteit Gent) en Prof Mark Williams ( universiteit Oxford).

Derde Vlaams congres in de psychosociale oncologie

Het CHi organiseert het "Derde Vlaams congres in de psychosociale oncologie" op dinsdag 1 december '15.

Artikel 'Patient and physician reports of the information provided about illness and treatment: what matters for patients’ adaptation to cancer during treatment?' (2015)

Objective: The aim of this study was to examine (a) whether illness representations mediate the relation of the amount of information provided by physicians to patients' adaptation to illness; (b) whether
patient–physician agreement on the information provided impacts the aforementioned relationship. The study focused on information that, according to the Common Sense Self-Regulation Model, is es-
sential for adaptation to illness.

Artikel 'Oncology staff: burnout, job satisfaction and coping with stress' (2015)

Objective: The oncology staff is at high risk for developing psychological disorders and burnout. In this study, we aimed to evaluate their burnout levels, job satisfaction, psychological statement and ways of coping with stress and the relationship between these variables and their sociodemographic and occupational characteristics.

Artikel 'Provider perspectives on presenting risk information and managing worry about recurrence among breast cancer survivors' (2015)

Background: Although worry about recurrence is a persistent concern among breast cancer survivors, little is known about physicians’ confidence about presenting recurrence risk information, identifying women with considerable worry, and helping women manage worry.

Methods: Between January and June 2012, we surveyed 750 surgeons and 750 medical oncologists randomly sampled from the American Medical Association Physician Masterfile. We tested differences

Artikel: 'Patterns and predictors of disclosure of a diagnosis of cancer' (2015)

Background: The value of talking (i.e. disclosing ones innermost thoughts and feelings) has been recognised as playing an important role in helping people work through their difficulties. Although
disclosing a diagnosis of cancer has been identified to be one of the hardest aspects of having the disease, relatively little is known about the extent to which people talk about their diagnosis of cancer.
This study aimed to identify disclosure patterns among patients with cancer and to determine the factors associated with disclosure.

Hervorming ziekenhuisfinanciering: Maggie De Block vraagt de sector om thema’s voor pilootprojecten

Maggie De Block, minister van Sociale Zaken en Volksgezondheid lanceert een oproep om thema’s in te dienen voor pilootprojecten in het kader van de hervorming van de ziekenhuisfinanciering en van h



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