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Hulpverlener in de oncologie (zelfzorg ea)


De bedoeling van dit spel is u met anderen in gesprek te brengen over de wijze waarop u vb situaties ervaart.

De centrale vraag is: Wat voel ik?

Het spel bestaat uit 140 kleurrijke kaarten, verdeeld over drie groepen:

Prettige gevoelens. Voorbeelden zijn: blij, trots, tevreden, veilig en gesteund.

Onprettige gevoelens. Voorbeelden zijn: boos, bezorgd, onrustig, schuldig of beledigd.

Artikel: 'The Basic Documentation for Psycho-Oncology (PO-Bado): An innovative tool to combine screening for psychological distress and patient support at cancer diagnosis' (2014)

Objectives: The Basic Documentation for Psycho-Oncology (PO-Bado) is a semi-directive instrument for assessing psychosocial difficulties in cancer patients. It is based on subjective status and not on degree of symptom severity. Our objectives were to assess whether use of the PO-Bado during post-cancerdiagnosis consultations improves the quality of communication by establishing a supportive relationship between nurses and patients and to assess nurses’ satisfaction of their communication skills.

Artikel 'The choice of whether to participate in a phase I clinical trial: increasing the awareness of patients with cancer. An exploratory study' (2014)

Objective: In a previous study, we found that patients who were offered the possibility of participation in a clinical trial had unexpressed concerns and fears that prevented them from making free or fully knowledgeable choices about their trial participation. In a selected population of patients who were offered participation in a phase I trial, we prospectively investigated whether a face-to-face discussion about their unexpressed fears might lead to a more conscious decision about whether to accept/refuse participation in the trial.

Review 'Clinician characteristics, communication, and patient outcome in oncology: a systematic review' (2014)

Objective: The aim of this study was to review the literature on clinician characteristics influencing patient–clinician communication or patient outcome in oncology.

Artikel 'Current approaches to managing fear of cancer recurrence; a descriptive survey of psychosocial and clinical health professionals' (2014)

Objective: Fear of cancer recurrence (FCR) is common amongst cancer survivors and help with this problem is the most frequently reported unmet need in this population. This study investigated how FCR is perceived and managed by clinical health professionals (medical and nursing staff) and psychosocial professionals in oncology settings.

Methods: Clinical health professionals and psychosocial professionals in oncology settings received emailed invitations from their professional organisation to participate in an online survey.



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