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Sociale aspecten

Artikel: 'Factors associated with delayed patient appraisal of colorectal cancer symptoms.' (2014)

To evaluate the relationship between symptoms, financial and cognitive barriers with patient delays in seeking evaluation of symptoms.

Artikel: 'Caregiving experiences predict changes in spiritual well-being among family caregivers of cancer patients.' (2014)

Although enhanced spiritual well-being has been linked to positive mental health outcomes among family caregivers of cancer patients, little is known regarding predictors of spiritual well-being in this population. The current study aimed to examine caregiving experiences as predictors of change in family caregivers' spiritual well-being during the initial months following the patient's cancer diagnosis.

Artikel: 'Parental stress predicts functional outcome in pediatric cancer survivors.' (2014)

Childhood cancer survivors are at risk for long-term neurocognitive and psychosocial morbidities. Research has seldom examined the relationship between these morbidities; thus, little empirical evidence exists concerning overall salience and how morbidities converge to impair day-to-day functioning. An increased understanding of functional impairment resulting from the pediatric cancer experience can inform early risk identification as well as sources for intervention.

De Standaard: 'Langdurig zieke moet vlot werk kunnen hervatten'

De SP.A-kamerleden Fatma Péhlivan, Meryame Kitir en Monica De Coninck – minister van Werk in de vorige regering – dienen een wetsvoorstel in om werknemers met een chronische aandoening het recht te

Historical Threads in the Development of Oncology Social Work. (2009)

As the Association of Oncology Social Work celebrates its 25th year, we pause to reflect on the many historical threads that contributed to its development and hear from each of the presidents who helped create the organization, as we know it today. Set within hospitals, medical social work was born in the early 20th century. In the 1940s medical social work became necessary for hospital accreditation.

Artikel: 'Problems addressed during psycho-oncological therapy: A pilot study.' (2011)

Therapists working at the eight psycho-oncological centers in the Netherlands (N = 43) were presented a list of 15 problems often encountered during therapy with cancer patients. The therapists were asked to indicate the predominant psychological problems they had dealt with during their five most recently completed interventions. The authors received complete answers from 37 therapists (86%). Anxiety and depression were the two predominant problems most often encountered by therapists during therapy (31% and 29%, respectively).

Artikel: 'Negative and positive consequences of adolescent cancer 10 years after diagnosis: an interview-based longitudinal study in Sweden.' (2014)

The aim of this study was to provide insight into survivor-reported negative and positive consequences of cancer during adolescence 10 years after diagnosis and compare these with consequences reported 3 and 4 years after diagnosis.

Oproep: vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex-)kankerpatiënten helpen verbeteren

Het Fonds Suzanne Duchesne, beheerd door de Koning Boudewijnstichting, en Kom op tegen Kanker lanceren samen een oproep voor vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex

Project: 'relaxerende ontmoetingen tussen lotgenoten'

Project met aandacht voor lotgenoten en relaxatie

Project: '(Samen Sterker) Omgaan met kanker.'



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