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Website Kankerspoken

Voor kinderen en jongeren met een vader of moeder met kanker en voor iedereen die daar mee te maken heeft. 

Artikel: "Cognitive Existential Couple Therapy for newly diagnosed prostate cancer patients and their partners: a descriptive pilot study."

Abstract: This paper aims to describe ‘Cognitive Existential Couple Therapy’ (CECT), a novel couples-based intervention for men with early stage prostate cancer (PCa) and their partners, and to report preliminary !ndings from a pilot study that investigated the acceptability and feasibility of the intervention and the measures to be used in a subsequent randomised controlled trial.

Artikel: 'An exploration of anticipatory grief in advanced cancer patients.'

Abstract: Research on anticipatory grief (AG) has been more focused on the experience of relatives than the terminally ill patients. This study will present qualitative ‘thick descriptions’ of advanced cancer patient’s experience of AG and explore how it is experienced in the family context.

Grandparents of children with cancer: a controlled study of distress, support, and barriers to care

Abstract: For families under stress, positive grandparental relationships provide a valued ‘safety net’. However, coping with family stressors can place a heavy burden on older individuals who may be experiencing declining health/energy themselves. This mixed-methods study assessed the prevalence of distress in grandparents of children with, and without, cancer, aiming to identify predictors of grandparental distress and quantify their barriers to care.


Artikel: Breast cancer information and support needs for women with intellectual disabilities: a scoping study

Abstract: To examine the compass and nature of relevant research and identify gaps in the current evidence in order to determine the priority of future research about breast cancer and intellectual disability (ID).

Methods: A scoping study that comprised of a consultation exercise with a wide range of key stakeholders (n = 26) from one northern city (Sheffield) within the UK.

Artikel: 'A systematic and conceptual review of posttraumatic stress in childhood cancer survivors and their parents.'

Abstract: Recent years have witnessed a rapid acceleration in the recognition and documentation of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and posttraumatic stress symptomatology (PTSS) in childhood cancer survivors and their parents. However, applicability of PTSD both diagnostically and conceptually to cancer-related traumatic responses remains poorly articulated within the current literature. Following an outline of childhood cancer and PTSD, this paper critically examines the applicability of such a diagnosis to this clinical population.

De informatie- en communicatienoden van chemopatiënten en hun partner bij de start van de behandeling.

Het is de bedoeling om de kwaliteit van de kankerzorg steeds verder te optimaliseren. Informatie en communicatie spelen in het geheel van deze zorg een cruciale rol. Meestal vult de zorgverstrekker in wat de nood is aan informatie en hoeveel informatie iemand nodig heeft op basis van psychologische theorieën. Toch is het interessant om zorg op maat te geven en daarom wil dit beperkte onderzoek nagaan welke informatie- en communicatiebehoeften de chemopatiënten formuleren. Ook willen we deze behoeften van de partner leren kennen.



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