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Partner, familie en naasten

De reacties van ouders op de pijn van hun kind: een affectief-motivationele analyse.

Kinderen met leukemie ervaren de lumbaal- en beenmergpuncties die men moet ondergaan vaak als pijnlijker dan de ziekte zelf. Deze procedurele pijn gaat ook vaak gepaard met negatieve emotionele en psychologische gevolgen. Tot op heden is er echter voorbijgegaan aan de vraag hoe ouders de pijn bij het kind ervaren en welke invloed dit heeft op hun gedrag. Aan de hand van een affectief-motivationele visie tracht deze studie hier een antwoord op te bieden.

Begeleidingsbehoeften bij de partners van kankerpatiënten.

In 2005 kregen 57185 mensen in België te horen dat ze kanker hadden. Maar kanker treft vaak niet één persoon alleen, ook de omgeving wordt sterk door de ziekte beïnvloed. In veel gevallen is dit in de eerste plaats de partner. Doelstelling van ons onderzoek was een beter zicht te krijgen op de begeleidingsbehoeften van de partners van kankerpatiënten en in welke mate deze voldaan worden binnen de huidige manier van werken in het Sint-Andriesziekenhuis in Tielt, met het oog op het verder verbeteren van de kwaliteit van onze begeleiding.

Partners empowered: a couple-based intervention for newly diagnosed cancer

Artikel: Dyadic effects of coping strategies on emotional state and quality of life in prostate cancer patients and their spouses

Abstract: During cancer, coping strategies adopted by patients with prostate cancer and their spouses have an effect on their own emotional state and quality of life (QoL). However, the effects of coping strategies used by a member of a couple on the well-being of the other member are unknown. The aim of this study is to examine the dyadic effects of coping strategies on the emotional state and QoL of couples dealing with cancer.

Artikel: Parenting stress as a mediator of parents’ negative mood state and behavior problems in children with newly diagnosed cancer

Abstract: The aim was to investigate the influence of parents’ negative mood state and parenting stress on behavior in children with newly diagnosed cancer.

Methods: A total of 123 parents (n = 58 fathers, n = 65 mothers) of 67 children with newly diagnosed cancer completed three questionnaires separately at the same time measuring parents’ negative mood state, parenting stress, and child behavior problems.

Review: A systematic review of spousal couple-based intervention studies for couples coping with cancer: direction for the development of interventions

Abstract: With the research focus on family caregiving shifting from the individual to the dyadic level, it is suggested that the caregiver-patient dyad as a unit be the focus and direction of caregiving interventions for families coping with cancer. The objectives in conducting this review were to explore the existing interventions for spousal couples coping with cancer in terms of type of intervention, contents, approach, and outcome measurements; and to identify directions for the development of interventions.

Artikel: Two overlooked contributors to abandonment of childhood cancer treatment in Kenya: parents’ social network and experiences with hospital retention policies

Abstract The principal reason for childhood cancer treatment failure in low-income countries is treatment abandonment, the most severe form of nonadherence. Two often neglected factors that may contribute to treatment abandonment are as follows: (a) lack of information and guidance by doctors, along with the negative beliefs of family and friends advising parents, which contributes to misconceptions regarding cancer and its treatment, and (b) a widespread policy in public hospitals by which children are retained after doctor’s discharge until medical bills are settled.

Artikel: The contribution of neurocognitive functioning to quality of life after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia

Abstract: Neurocognitive late effects after childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) are well- documented, but their impact on quality of life (QOL) is not well understood. In this multi-site study, we examined the relative influence of neurocognitive functioning, steroid randomization (prednisone vs. dexamethasone), and demographic characteristics on QOL in first-remission survivors of childhood ALL.

Artikel: E-loyalty towards a cancer information website: applying a theoretical framework

Abstract: To provide more insight into user perceptions related to e-loyalty towards a cancer informa- tion website. This is needed to assure adequate provision of high quality information during the full process of cancer treatment—from diagnosis to after care—and an important first step towards opti- mizing cancer information websites in order to promote e-loyalty.



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