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Psychologische interventies

Samenvatting diverse wetenschappelijke artikels

De studenten psycho-oncologie van opleidingsjaar 2016-2018 gingen op zoek naar wetenschappelijke artikels in het kader van hun eindwerk.

De samenvattingen van deze artikels kan u hier terugvinden.


Artikel: 'Waarom kanker geen gevecht is'

‘Deze oorlog win je, want jij vocht in Vietnam.’ Zo luidden de steunbetuigingen aan VS-senator John McCain, die hersenkanker heeft.

Vrijwel elke kankerpatiënt krijgt het constant te horen: vecht! ‘Onterecht. Alsof je je genezing in eigen hand hebt.’

Artikel in De Morgen, 29-30 juli 2017.

Interview met Dr Jimmie Holland, Psycho-Oncologist

Dr William Breitbart interviewt één van de pioniers inzake Psycho-Oncologie en oprichtster van IPOS.  Klik hier om het volledige interview te bekijken

Artikel: Wonders & Worries: evaluation of a child centered psychosocial intervention for families who have a parent/primary caregiver with cancer. 2017

Objective: Scant evidence exists to guide interventions for children who have a parent with cancer. This study evaluated the outcomes of a community based psychosocial intervention targeted to children dealing with parental or primary caregiver cancer. This curriculum provided an ageappropriate
understanding of the illness, facilitated the expression of feelings, identified individual coping skills to help ease feelings related to parent’s cancer, and enhanced the family’s ability to communicate about the disease.

Artikel: Promoting improved family caregiver health literacy: evaluation of caregiver communication resources, 2017

Objectives: Family caregivers of cancer patients have a vital role in facilitating and sharing information about cancer, revealing a need to develop caregiver health literacy skills to support caregiver communication. The goal of this study was to investigate caregiver print materials and develop and assess a new caregiver communication resource titled A Communication Guide for CaregiversTM.

Onderzoeker in beeld: Isabelle Merckaert

CHi wil onderzoek in de psychosociale oncologie toegankelijker maken voor het klinische werkveld.  Binnen het project 'onderzoeker-in-beeld' interviewen we regelmatig onderzoekers omtrent hun onderzoeksresultaten.  In bijlage kan u het gepubliceerde artikel terugvinden. 

Artikel: Improving anxiety regulation in patients with breast cancer at the beginning of the survivorship period: a randomized clinical trial comparing the benefits of single‐component and multiplecomponent group interventions (2016)

Objective To compare in a multicenter randomized controlled trial the benefits in terms of anxiety regulation of a 15‐session single‐component group intervention (SGI) based on support with those of a 15‐session multiple‐component structured manualized group intervention (MGI) combining support with cognitive‐behavioral and hypnosis components.

Review: The efficacy of interventions to improve psychosocial outcomes following surgical treatment for breast cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis (2017)

Objective:  Breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women across the world. The majority of women diagnosed with the disease undergo surgery, which is often associated with significant psychosocial morbidity. The aim of this meta‐analysis was to identify the efficacy of psychosocial interventions for women following breast cancer surgery.

Advances in psycho-oncology: Meeting prof. D. Kissane

Op 21 en 22 april 2017 was Prof. D. Kissane (Melbourne) te gast aan de ULB in het kader van de opleiding 'certificat interuniversitaire en psycho-oncologie'.

Hij bracht er onder andere volgende lezingen:

- "The art and science of psycho-oncology"

- "The diagnosis and treatment of Demoralization in cancer care"

- "Existential challenges towards the end-of-life: Meaning and Purpose (MaP) Therapy"

- "Family Therapy in advanced cancer continued into bereavement"

- "Running a family meeting"

- "Career in Psycho-oncology"



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