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Hulpverlener in de oncologie (zelfzorg ea)

De Standaard: Huisarts vaak ‘vergeten’ bij kankeroverleg

Huisartsen zijn zelden aanwezig op de vergadering die alle betrokken artsen moeten houden over de behandeling en verzorging van een kankerpatiënt. Soms worden ze zelfs niet eens uitgenodigd.

Onderzoeksproject: 'Moral distress and ethical decision making in multidisciplinary cancer care.'

In bijgevoegde fiche vind je informatie (probleemstelling-doelstelling-methode-conclusies) over de eerste fase van een onderzoeksproject van Oncologisch Centrum UZ Gent: 'Moral distress and ethical decision making in multidisciplinary cancer care.'

Folder: Op zoek naar goede thuiszorg bij kanker?

Algemene informatie over de diensten die Familiehulp, al dan niet in samenwerking met een partnerorganisatie, aanbiedt aan kankerpatiënten en hun naasten.


Artikel: 'Problems addressed during psycho-oncological therapy: A pilot study.' (2011)

Therapists working at the eight psycho-oncological centers in the Netherlands (N = 43) were presented a list of 15 problems often encountered during therapy with cancer patients. The therapists were asked to indicate the predominant psychological problems they had dealt with during their five most recently completed interventions. The authors received complete answers from 37 therapists (86%). Anxiety and depression were the two predominant problems most often encountered by therapists during therapy (31% and 29%, respectively).

Oproep: vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex-)kankerpatiënten helpen verbeteren

Het Fonds Suzanne Duchesne, beheerd door de Koning Boudewijnstichting, en Kom op tegen Kanker lanceren samen een oproep voor vernieuwende projecten die de levenskwaliteit van (ex

Bibliografie Compassion Fatigue

Françoise Mathieu stelde een lijst samen met interessante artikels omtrent 'Compassion fatigue'. 

Françoise is director of Compassion Fatigue Solutions inc., whose aim is to offer consulting and training to helpers on topics related to self care, wellness, burnout and compassion fatigue. She is a Certified Mental Health Counsellor and a Compassion Fatigue specialist. Link naar de website

Artikel: 'The prevalence of burnout among oncology professionals: oncologists are at risk of developing burnout.' (2014)

International research shows that oncology staff suffers more from burnout than other healthcare professionals. Burnout is common among oncologists. The prevalence of emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and low personal accomplishment appears to be significantly higher among physicians. Detecting burnout is highly relevant, because it affects the personal well-being and quality of life of the healthcare professional. A national study on the prevalence of burnout in oncology was never conducted in Flanders (Dutch-speaking part of Belgium).

Boek 'The compassion fatigue workbook'

The Compassion Fatigue Workbook is a lifeline for any helping professional facing the physical and emotional exhaustion that can shadow work in the helping professions. In addition to a comprehensive description of compassion fatigue and vicarious traumatization, The Compassion Fatigue Workbook leads the reader through experiential activities designed to target specific areas in their personal and professional lives.



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