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Partner, familie en naasten

Artikel: Long-term fear of recurrence in young breast cancer survivors and partners (2017)

Fear of a breast cancer recurrence is the most prevalent and disruptive source of distress for long-term survivors and their partners. However, few studies have focused on predictors of fear of recurrence. The aim of this study is to test the efficacy of the Social Cognitive Processing Theory (SCPT) in predicting fear of recurrence in long-term breast cancer survivors diagnosed at age 45 years or younger and their partners.

Artikel: De wederzijdse impact van kanker en gezin

Dit artikel wil hulpverleners een conceptueel houvast bieden in hun begeleiding van kankerpatiënten
en hun gezin. We stellen voor om de onderlinge wisselwerking tussen kanker en gezin te
begrijpen door kanker op te vatten als een nieuw lid dat toetreedt tot dat gezin. We overlopen de recente
onderzoeksliteratuur en ordenen ze volgens de door Rolland (1994) voorgestelde fasen binnen het verloop
van de ziekte. Wij voegen er hier een fase van remissie aan toe. De literatuur bevestigt het belang van betekenisverlening

Artikel: Palliative care and spiritual well-being in lung cancer patients and family caregivers (2016)

Spiritual well-being is an important dimension of quality of life (QOL) and is a core
component of quality oncology and palliative care. In this analysis, we aimed to describe spiritual
well-being outcomes in a National Cancer Institute (NCI)-supported Program Project that tested
the effectiveness of an interdisciplinary palliative care intervention in lung cancer patients and their
family caregivers (FCGs).


Artikel: Psychometric evaluation of novel measures of partner interfering and supportive behaviors among women with cancer (2016)

The aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric properties of complementary and
novel measures of partner interfering and partner supportive behaviors in cancer care (PIB-C and


Eindwerk Psycho-Oncologie '14-'16: Psychological distress and cognitive coping is pregnant women diagnosed with cancer and their partners

A cancer diagnosis during pregnancy may be considered as an emotional challenge for pregnant women and their partners. We aimed to identify women and partners at risk for high levels of distress based on their coping profile.


Jaarindex Psychosociale Oncologie 2016

De eerste jaarindex psychosociale oncologie bevat 48 onderzoeks- en praktijkprojecten met diverse topics van verschillende zorgverleners en onderzoekers uit heel Vlaanderen.

Het doel van deze jaarindex is om een overzicht te bewaren van lopend onderzoek in de psychosociale oncologie en jullie, zorgverleners, te inspireren.

Via onderstaande link kunnen jullie de eerste editie van de jaarindex online raadplegen

IPOS 2017 in Berlijn

Op het IPOS congres in Dublin dit jaar waren tal van interessante onderzoeksprojecten met een verscheidenheid aan topics vanuit verschillende landen vertegenwoordigd.

An international field study for the reliability and validity of the EORTC Sexual Health Questionnaire (EORTC SHQ-C22) for assessing sexual health in cancer patients

The diagnosis and treatment of cancer causes significant physical, psychological, and social effects that interfere with a person’s sexuality. Sexuality is complex and broadly defined concept comprising: the sexual response cycle, body image, ones’ sexual role and sexual relationships. Several EORTC cancer site specific modules include a limited number of sexual functioning items that do not adequately cover the whole range of sexual health which are most important for cancer patients.



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