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Partner, familie en naasten

Artikel: Preloss grief in family caregivers during end-of-life cancer care: A nationwide population-based cohort study (2017).

Objective: Severe grief symptoms in family caregivers during end-of-life cancer trajectories are associated with complicated grief and depression after the loss. Nevertheless, severe grief symptoms during end-of-life caregiving in caregivers to cancer patients have been scarcely studied. We aimed to explore associations between severe preloss grief symptoms in caregivers and modifiable factors such as depressive symptoms, caregiver burden, preparedness for death, and end-of-life communication.

Jaarindex psychosociale oncologie 2017

De tweede uitgave van de jaarindex door het CHi is opnieuw een indrukwekkende weerspiegeling van het psychosociaal oncologisch onderzoek in Vlaanderen en Brussel. Het bevestigt het hoge en kwaliteitsvolle wetenschappelijk niveau van iedereen die hieraan heeft bijgedragen. De jaarindex hoopt hierdoor ook inspirerend te werken.

Posterpresentaties CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker'

Hier kunt u de posters bekijken die werden gepresenteerd op het CHi-congres 'Over lief en leef na kanker' op 11 december 2017.

Deze onderzoeken zijn ook terug te vinden in de Jaarindex 2017.

Communicatie met mantelzorgers van kankerpatiënten

Mantelzorgers: ze zijn vaak onzichtbaar, maar onmisbaar. Daarom is het belangrijk om gedurende het ziekteproces van de patiënt ook oog te hebben voor diens mantelzorger(s).

Artikel: Experiences of “openness” between mothers and daughters during breast cancer: implications for coping and healthy outcomes (2017)

Objective: Mother-daughter communication is central to how women adjust to breast cancer. They may be aided by models of healthy communication that illustrate both women's perspectives. Families establish normative communication patterns that inform how they cope. We used family communication patterns theory to examine correlations between openness/avoidance and health. We extended this by capturing mother-daughter open/avoidant narratives to illustrate how these behaviors function in helpful (health-promoting) and unhelpful ways.

Nieuwe financieringslijn bij Kom op tegen Kanker

Kom op tegen Kanker biedt al lang financiële steun aan organisaties en sociale ondernemingen die psychosociale ondersteuning geven aan kankerpatiënten en hun naasten.

Artikel: The role of social support, family identification, and family constraints in predicting posttraumatic stress after cancer (2017).


We compared social support with other potential psychosocial predictors of posttraumatic stress after cancer. These included family identification, or a sense of belonging to and commonality with family members, and family constraints, or the extent to which family members are closed, judgmental, or unreceptive in conversations about cancer. We also tested the hypothesis that family constraints mediate the relationship between family identification and cancer-related posttraumatic stress.


Artikel: Psychological distress and cognitive coping in pregnant women diagnosed with cancer and their partners (2017)


A cancer diagnosis during pregnancy may be considered as an emotional challenge for pregnant women and their partners. We aimed to identify women and partners at risk for high levels of distress based on their coping profile.




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