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(Lange termijn) effecten van behandeling

Artikel 'Family caregivers’ involvement in caring for a hospitalized patient with cancer and their quality of life in a country with strong family bonds' (2015)

Background: Being involved in caring for family members during illness is part of the Indonesian culture, even during hospitalization. It is unknown which factors influence the quality of life (QoL) of family members taking care of their loved ones. The present study aims to identify factors influencing the QoL of family caregivers of hospitalized patients with cancer in Indonesia.

Artikel 'Learning and memory performance in a cohort of clinically referred breast cancer survivors: the role of attention versus forgetting in patient-reported memory complaints' (2015)

Objective: While forgetfulness is widely reported by breast cancer survivors, studies documenting objective memory performance yield mixed, largely inconsistent, results. Failure to find consistent,
objective memory issues may be due to the possibility that cancer survivors misattribute their experience of forgetfulness to primary memory issues rather than to difficulties in attention at the time of learning.

Hervorming ziekenhuisfinanciering: Maggie De Block vraagt de sector om thema’s voor pilootprojecten

Maggie De Block, minister van Sociale Zaken en Volksgezondheid lanceert een oproep om thema’s in te dienen voor pilootprojecten in het kader van de hervorming van de ziekenhuisfinanciering en van h

Projectoproepen: Pink Ribbon Fonds : oproep 2015

 Een betere aanpak van de gevolgen van de borstkankerbehandelingen op de levenskwaliteit van patiënten


De invloed van de diagnose en behandeling van kanker op de persoonlijke doelen van patiënten: een blik op het aanpassingsproces.

Doel: Het doel van huidige studie is inzicht verwerven in de doelen en de doelaanpassingen die patiënten zich stellen en doorvoeren na het doormaken van een behandeling tegen kanker.

Methode: Er wordt meegewerkt aan de ontwikkeling van een semigestructureerd interview om de doelen die (ex)patiënten met kanker zich stellen in kaart te brengen. Dit is gebaseerd op de personal project analysis van B. Little. Dit instrument wordt afgenomen bij 7 patiënten na een behandeling tegen kanker.

Artikel: 'Correlates of post-traumatic stress symptoms and growth in cancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis.' (2015)

Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the relationships among demographic, medical, and psychosocial factors and post-traumatic stress symptoms (PTSS) and post-traumatic growth (PTG) in oncology populations.
Method: A systematic search identified k = 116 relevant studies published between 1990 and 2012. Meta-analyses synthesized results from studies that reported data on correlates of PTSS (k = 26) or PTG (k = 48). A meta-analysis was performed for k = 5 studies reporting the correlation between PTSS and PTG.

Artikel: 'Post-traumatic stress symptoms in cancer survivors: relationship to the impact of cancer scale and other associated risk factors' (2015)

Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the prevalence of post-traumatic stress symptoms in a sample of cancer survivors and to investigate their association with the impact of cancer, depressive symptoms, and social support.

Artikel: 'Cancer, coping, and cognition: a model for the role of stress reactivity in cancer-related cognitive decline.' (2015)

Background: Cognitive decline and accompanying neurological changes associated with non-CNS cancer diagnosis and treatment have been increasingly identified in a subset of patients. Initially believed to be because of neurotoxic effects of chemotherapy exposure, observation of cognitive decline in patients not treated with chemotherapy, cancer-diagnosed individuals prior to treatment, and patients receiving alternative treatment modalities (surgery, endocrine therapy, and radiation) has led to the investigation of additional potential etiologies and moderating factors.



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