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(Lange termijn) effecten van behandeling

Artikel: 'Are fatigue, depression and anxiety associated with labour market participation among patients diagnosed with haematological malignancies? A prospective study.' (2015)

The objectives of this study are to examine levels of fatigue, depression and anxiety following diagnosis of a haematological malignancy, to determine the incidence of return to work (RTW) and long-term sickness absence (LTSA) during 1-year follow-up and to examine whether fatigue, depression and anxiety are associated with RTW and LTSA in this group of cancer patients.

Artikel: 'Cognition in breast cancer survivors: hormones versus depression.'

Breast cancer survivors receiving hormone treatment and/or endorsing histories of receiving chemotherapy report changes in their cognitive capacity, which is often not supported by formal testing. To address these conflicting reports, this study examined survivors' applied cognitive capacity and its association with hormone treatment, depression, and selected demographics.

Artikel: 'An investigation of the support needs of men and partners throughout the prostate cancer journey.' (2015)

Prostate cancer is one of the mostly commonly diagnosed cancers in men. Unfortunately, the treatment for this cancer can have a number of negative side effects, both for the man himself and his partner. This study investigated the support needs of both men and partners throughout the prostate cancer journey and how this journey may be optimally managed.

De standaard: Chemo kan straks ook in de woonkamer

Minister van Volksgezondheid Maggie De Block (Open VLD) gaat nog dit jaar proefprojecten opstarten om patiënten die chemotherapie krijgen, in de eigen woonkamer te behandelen.

Artikel: 'Sexual self-schema and depressive symptoms after prostate cancer.' (2015)

The years following prostate cancer treatment are characterized by changes in sexual functioning and risk for depressive symptoms. Sexual self-schema (SSS) is a cognitive generalization about sexual aspects of the self that are associated with sexual behavior, affect, and the processing of sexually relevant information. This study tested if men's SSS moderates the impact of sexual morbidity on depressive symptoms.


Artikel: 'The changing landscape of cancer care – the impact of psychosocial clinical practice guidelines.' (2015)

The International Psycho-Oncology Society (IPOS) has championed the need for quality care to incorporate attention to the psychosocial concerns of cancer patients. Widespread international endorsement of distress as the ‘6th vital sign’ is a major step towards improving access to psychosocial care and reducing the isolation and stigma experienced by many affected by cancer.

Onderzoek in uitvoering: 'De ontwikkeling en evaluatie van een verpleegkundige interventie ter vermindering van symptoomlast tijdens chemotherapie.'

In bijgevoegde fiche vindt u informatie over het lopende onderzoeksproject van Annemarie Coolbrandt, Prof. Hans Wildiers en Prof. Koen Milisen in UZ Leuven. 

Review: 'Health-related quality of life research in EORTC cancer clinical trials: an emphasis on quality.' (2015)

A short review on health-related quality of life, including patient reported outcomes measurements in oncology to help increase awareness in the Belgian oncological community. This review is also meant for educational purposes and to highlight the benchmarks that the work of EORTC has contributed to the field. 

(Belg J Med Oncol 2015;9(1):11-15) 



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