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Psychologische interventies

Review: A systematic review on patient-reported outcomes in cancer survivors of randomised clinical trials: direction for future research

Abstract: With increasing expectations of a 5-year survival rate among cancer patients, there is grow- ing interest in patient-reported outcome (PRO) measures, particularly measures of health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in cancer practice. The purpose of this review was to explore the existing interventions for patients coping with cancer in terms of intervention type, PRO measurements and outcomes; and to identify directions for future research.

Artikel: Effects of nursing intervention models on social adaption capability development in preschool children with malignant tumors: a randomized control trial

Abstract: The objectives of this study are to compare the effects of two nursing intervention models on the ability of preschool children with malignant tumors to socialize and to determine if these inter- ventions improved their social adaption capability (SAC) and quality of life.

Review: Improving subjective perception of personal cancer risk: systematic review and meta-analysis of educational interventions for people with cancer or at high risk of cancer

Abstract: Newly diagnosed patients with cancer require education about the disease, the available treat- ments and potential consequences of treatment. Greater understanding of cancer risk has been found to be associated with greater health-related quality of life, improved psychological adjustment and greater health-related behaviours. The aim of this sytematic review was to assess the effectiveness of educational interventions in improving subjective cancer risk perception and to appraise the quality of the studies.

Handboek 'Praktische gids voor de oncologie. Psychiatrische en psychologische richtlijnen.' CHi

Het CHi kreeg van de American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS) de toestemming het APOS-handboek 'Quick Reference for Oncology Clinicians' te vertalen en bewerken.
Hiemee wil het CHi professionelen in oncologie bruikbare richtlijnen in de pyschosociale oncologie aanreiken.


Eindverslag Onderzoeksproject 'Geef je leven weer kleur' ISW Limits

ISW Limits deed een onderzoek naar de effecten van onlinehulpverlening in de psychosociale oncologie voor de aanpak van milde depressieve klachten.
Het onderzoek werd gefinancierd door VLK. CHi werkte mee in de adviesraad van het onderzoek.

Masterproef 'Patiënteneducatie: tips en valkuilen in de organisatie van groepssessies'

Patiënteneducatie is belangrijk om de health literacy, of geletterdheid op gebied van gezondheid, te verhogen. Dit onderzoek focust op een specifieke vorm van patiënteneducatie, meer bepaald groepseducatie. Onder een groepssessie wordt verstaan: het verzamelen van patiënten voor educatie in groep rond een bepaald thema. Dit in tegenstelling tot individuele educatie tijdens de consultatie of informatie via een website, folders of affiches. 


Boek "Behavioural Oncology: Psychological, Communicative and Social Dimensions”

Rooted in deep understanding of the mutual  relationship between behavior and cancer, Behavioural Oncology combines extensive clinical wisdom and empirical data to illuminate the psychological, social, and existential aspects of cancer, and to offer a framework for empathic, patient-centered care. Chapters delve into the psychobiology of long-term illness, examining stress, pain, fatigue, sensory and sleep disturbances, and other quality of life issues as well as considerations of age, gender, culture, and comorbidity.

Artikel: Is implementing screening for distress an efficient means to recruit patients to a psychological intervention trial?

Abstract: Psychological interventions show greater efficacy when evaluated with distressed patients. We report on the feasibility of implementing screening for recruiting distressed cancer patients to a randomized controlled trial of problem-solving therapy (PST), characteristics associated with enrol- ment, and time investment and challenges of implementing screening.

Artikel: A telephonic-based trial to reduce depressive symptoms among Latina breast cancer survivors

Abstract: Greater mental health symptomatology of Latina breast cancer (LBC) patients along with the paucity of intervention trials to reduce distress underscores the scientific and practice gaps in comprehensive care. This trial investigated the effect of a paraprofessionally delivered, telephonic-based psycho-educational intervention on depressive symptoms among LBC patients.



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