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(Lange termijn) effecten van behandeling

Is er leven na overleven? Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de adolescente en jongvolwassen overlevers van kinderkanker

Adolescente en jongvolwassen (AYA) overlevers van kinderkanker ervaren vaak langetermijngevolgen van de ziekte en de behandeling. Literatuur bracht reeds de medische gevolgen in kaart maar aan de psychosociale gevolgen werd nog relatief weinig aandacht gegeven. Ook de zorg kent een medisch georiënteerde opvolging maar biedt in de fase van follow-up slechts beperkte psychosociale ondersteuning. Dit onderzoek, gefinancierd door de Vlaamse Liga tegen Kanker, brengt de specifieke psychosociale noden van deze populatie in kaart.


(Kandidaat predictoren van) lange-termijn gevolgen van chemotherapie op de hersenen van overlevers van leukemie op kinderleeftijd

Dankzij medische vooruitgang is de overlevingskans na leukemie bij kinderen drastisch toegenomen, hoewel niet steeds zonder gevolgen op lange termijn. Eliminatie van radiotherapie betekende een substantiële vermindering van de schadelijke gevolgen op ontwikkelende hersenen. Een subpopulatie van de overlevers ervaart echter nog steeds negatieve gevolgen op meerdere domeinen in hun functioneren. Onderzoek naar (predictoren van) neurocognitieve en psychosociale kwetsbaarheid is daarom primordiaal om na kwantiteit, ook kwaliteit van leven na kanker te maximaliseren.

No evidence for longterm chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity for pediatric ALL patients:A prospective study

Survival rates of pediatric Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) patients have been increasing during the last decades. Given that radiotherapy for central nervous prophylaxis is not used in our frontline therapy anymore, and treatment became only chemotherapy based, chemotherapy-induced side effects, such as cognitive decline, become important to assess. Although chemotherapy-induced neurotoxicity was demonstrated in cross-sectional studies, the number of follow-up studies remains limited. Still, to investigate long-term neurotoxic effects, a longitudinal design is most suitable.

Artikel 'Cognitive rehabilitation group intervention for breast cancer survivors: results of a randomized clinical trial' (2015)

Purpose: We conducted a randomized clinical trial evaluating the efficacy of a cognitive rehabilitation (CR) intervention compared with a wait list (WL) control condition on cognitive complaints, neuropsychological and brain functioning in breast cancer survivors (BCS).

Methods: The small group intervention of five sessions included psychoeducation and cognitive exercises.

Artikel 'Compliance to exercise-oncology guidelines in prostate cancer survivors and associations with psychological distress, unmet supportive care needs, and quality of life' (2015)

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine prevalence of Australian prostate cancer survivors meeting contemporary exercise-oncology guidelines and identify associations with distress, unmet supportive care needs, and quality of life.

Methods: A population-based cohort of 463 prostate cancer survivors who were on 10.8 months post-curative therapy was assessed for compliance with current exercise guidelines for cancer survivors, motivational readiness for physical activity, psychological distress, unmet supportive care needs, and quality of life.

Artikel: 'Grasping the ‘teachable moment’: time since diagnosis, symptom burden and health behaviors in breast, colorectal and prostate cancer survivors' (2015)

Background: A cancer diagnosis may provide a ‘teachable moment’ in cancer recovery. To better understand factors influencing lifestyle choices following diagnosis, we examined associations between time since diagnosis and symptom burden with recommended dietary (e.g., five or more fruit/vegetable servings/day), physical activity (e.g., >150 active min, 3–5 times/week), and smoking behaviors (i.e., eliminate tobacco use) in cancer survivors.

Artikel 'Emotional distress in parents of long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia' (2015)

Objective: The current study investigated the occurrence of emotional distress in parents of long-term survivors of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and identified factors associated with parent emotional distress symptoms.



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